Centering system with one way valve for free piston machine
Channelized stratified regenerator system and method
Channelized stratified regenerator with integrated heat...
Closed cycle gas turbine engine and mechanical system driven the
Closed cycle in-line double-acting hot gas engine
Closed-cycle heat-engine
Cogeneration system
Combination gas and flexure spring construction for free piston
Combustion system
Compact ceramic recuperator preheater for stirling engine
Compact crank drive mechanism with guided pistons
Compound memory engine
Compression release valve
Compression-expansion power device
Compressor integral with stirling engine
Compressor integral with Stirling engine
Compressor-expander apparatus
Concentric crossflow recuperator for stirling engine
Concentric tube shape memory alloy actuator apparatus and...
Condition-responsive snap-acting member, device and method of ma