Distributed diode VCO with stripline coupled output and distribu
Double-data rate phase-locked-loop with phase aligners to...
Dual band oscillator circuit using strip line resonators
Dual band voltage controlled oscillator
Dual clock logic system for charge-coupled device driver circuit
Dual diode module with heat sink, for use in a cavity power comb
Dual frequency voltage controlled oscillator
Dual voltage-controlled oscillator structure with...
Efficient higher order mode resonant combiner
Electronic circuit for producing an irregular pulse train of var
Electronic device used for measuring and detecting the...
Electronic low power clock circuit and method
Fast starting circuit for crystal oscillators
Fast switching drive circuit for a ferri-resonant oscillator
First and second oscillator circuits selectively coupled through
Frequency conversion circuit with UHF/VHF common PLL buffer
Frequency offset multiple cavity power combiner
Frequency spectrum noise generator
Frequency synchronization apparatus
Frequency synthesizer using a matrix of selectable piezoelectric