Electronic phase detector circuit
Electronic phase locked loop circuit
Error amplifier for multiple frequency oscillator control
Fast change charge pump having switchable boost function
Fast settling phase lock loop
Frequency synthesizer modulation response linearization
Frequency-voltage converter and a stabilized pulse generator usi
Fully integrated charge pump phase locked loop
High frequency phase detector using FET bridge
High speed and low drift charge pump circuit
High speed integrator for data recovery and a costas phase-locke
High speed lock detector
High-speed and high-precision phase locked loop having phase det
Input controller circuit apparatus for phase lock loop voltage c
Integratable phase-locked loop
Low offset and low glitch energy charge pump for PLL-based...
Microwave phase locked loops using FET frequency dividers
Multi-passband differentially controlled data rate synchronizer
Multiple reference frequency generator
Oscillator synchronizing circuit stabilized against loss of sync