Inclusioin complexes of clavulanic acid and of alkali salts ther
Inclusion complex of 7-isopropoxy-isoflavon formed with cyclodex
Inclusion complex of taxol with...
Inclusion complexes of aryl-heterocyclic salts
Inclusion complexes of clavulanic acid and of potassium salts th
Inclusion complexes of cyclodextrins and strong inorganic oxy-ac
Inclusion compound of eicosapentaenoic of acid and food product
Inclusion compounds of cyclodextrin with sulfur-containing compo
Inclusion compounds of vanillyl alcohol derivative in...
Inclusion compounds, intercalation compounds, and solid solution
Inclusion-complexing agent for use in isolation of xylene isomer
Incompatible plant and pathogen interaction related gene
Incorporation of functional groups in polymers
Incorporation of functional groups in polymers
Incorporation of functional groups in polymers
Increased fertility and improved fetal development drug
Increasing catalyst lifetime in hydrogenation of a carbohydrate
Increasing cyclodextrin yields by the addition of various solute
Increasing enantiomeric selectivity in chiral cyanohydrination
Increasing enatioselectivity in reductions with borane reagents