Synthesis of nitromethane
Synthesis of optically pure forms of ipsdienol
Synthesis of organic nanotubes and synthesis of ultrathin...
Synthesis of perfluorodialdehydes
Synthesis of plasticizer and detergent alcohols
Synthesis of pseudopterosin compounds
Synthesis of S-3-chloro-1,2-propanediol
Synthesis of stable, water-soluble chemiluminescent 1,2-dioxetan
Synthesis of styrenated hydroquinone
Synthesis of substituted 9,10-anthracene-dicarboxaldehydes and 9
Synthesis of substituted phenols
Synthesis of the navel orange worm pheromone (Z,Z)-11,13-hexadec
Synthesis of triconjugated dienones and novel intermediates used
Synthesis of trinitrophloroglucinol
Synthesis of vinyl ethers
Synthesis of Vitamin A, intermediates and conversion thereof to
Synthesis of Vitamin E
Synthesizing and utilizing novel nano crystalline zinc...
Synthetic endogenous cannabinoids analogues and uses thereof
Synthetic method and novel chemical compounds