Acetylated pyroxylin
Acetylated pyroxylin, and its production process
Acetylation method for material containing cellulose, and manufa
Acetylation of lignocellulosic fibres
Acetylation of lignocellulosic materials
Acetylation of lignocellulosic materials
Acetylation process for nucleoside compounds
Acid catalyzed nitration
Acid decrystallization of aminopolysaccharides and derivatives t
Acid fungal proteases
Acid labile immunoconjugate intermediates
Acid stable purine dideoxynucleosides
Acid-catalyzed fabrication of precursors for use in making polyo
Acid-cleavable compound
Acid-cleavable surfactants based on alkylglycosides
Acid-curable cellulose esters containing melamine pendent groups
Acid-functionalized saccharide monomers
Acid-type carboxymethyl cellulose and process for preparing the
Acid/heat modified polysaccharide biopolymers
Acid/heat modified polysaccharide biopolymers