Repeater for soliton transmission system using sliding-frequency
Repeater optical transmission system having full-optical loopbac
Repetitive waveform generator recirculating delay line
Replica micro-resonator and method of fabrication
Resiliently packaged MEMs device and method for making same
Resin sealed optical module
Resistive heater for thermo optic device
Resistor array with position dependent heat dissipation
Resistor array with position dependent heat dissipation
Resolution enhanced optical spectrometer having a fixed...
Resonant coupling of optical signals for out-of-plane...
Resonant coupling of optical signals for out-of-plane...
Resonant optical devices incorporating multi-layer...
Resonant optical filters
Resonant optical power control device assemblies
Resonant optical wave power control devices and methods
Resonant waveguide-grating filters and sensors and methods...
Resonantly coupled waveguides using a taper
Resonantly enhanced grating coupler
Resonantly enhanced grating coupler