Damage resistant infrared fiber delivery device and system
Data exchange architecture using optical links
DC WDM device and DC WDM system and transmission network...
Decohered laser light production system
Decoupling of transverse spatial modes in microstructure...
Deep fiber network with high speed data and video on demand
Deep fiber network with high speed data and video on demand
Deep fiber network with high speed data and video on demand
Deflection optical matrix switch
Deformable optical signal transmitter port
Delivering light via optical waveguide and multi-view...
Delivery of radiation from a first transparent medium to a secon
Demultiplexer and demultiplexer-receiver
Demultiplexer for wavelength-multiplexed optical signal
Demultiplexer with a square spectral response
Demultiplexer/multiplexer with a controlled variable path...
Dendritic taper for an integrated optical wavelength router
Dense tree optical switch network
Dense wavelength division multiplexer configuration
Dense wavelength division multiplexer which includes a dense...