Class of charge-actuated chromogenic structures based on the...
Clean and test for fluid within a reflection optical switch...
Cleaving laser diode bars having gratings
Clip-on device for optical power meter
Closed loop alignment system for fiber optic cross-connect...
Closed-loop control of tunable optical wavelength filters
Cluster system using fibre channel as interconnection network
CMOS compatible integrated dielectric optical waveguide...
CMOS-compatible optical bench
Coarse wave division multiplexer
Coarse wavelength division multiplexing optical system
Coarse wavelength division multiplexing optical transmission...
Coated optical fiber
Coaxial coupler with integrated source/ring detector
Coaxial optical fiber coupler transmitter-receiver apparatus and
Coherent evanescent wave imaging
Coherent optical-fiber communication system using polarization d
Coherent power combining of single-mode sources in waveguide...
Coiled optical Bragg radiating aperture system
Collection mode lens system