Tap outlet collimator
Tap output collimator
Taper shapes for sidelobe suppression and bandwidth minimization
Tapered fabry-perot waveguide optical demultiplexer
Tapered fiber gratings and applications
Tapered lensed fiber for focusing and condenser applications
Tapered optical fiber grating devices with variable index...
Tapered optical waveguides for uniform energy (light) distributi
Technique for coupling laser diode to optical fiber
Technique to prepare high-reflectance optical fiber bragg gratin
Techniques for use of nanocavities to enhance quantum...
Temperature compensated fiber Bragg gratings
Temperature compensated fiber grating and method for...
Temperature compensated optical device
Temperature compensated optical device
Temperature compensated optical multiplexer
Temperature compensated optical waveguide structures
Temperature compensating device for fiber gratings and a package
Temperature compensating optical component packaging structure
Temperature compensation of Bragg reflection gratings