Transverse electrical filter operating optically
Transverse electro-optic modulator
Transverse electrodisplacive actuator array
Transverse pixel format electro-optic spatial light modulator
Traveling wave optical modular
Traveling wave optical modulator
Traveling wave optical modulator
Traveling wave, linearized reflection modulator
Traveling-wave reflective electro-optic modulator
Travelling wave-type optical modulator
Trench-embedded mirror structure for double substrate...
Tri-electrode traveling wave optical modulators and methods
Trimmer iris for use with a digitally shape-controlled...
Trimmer iris for use with a digitally shape-controlled...
Trimming a MEMS device to fine tune natural frequency
Trimming a MEMS device to fine tune natural frequency
Triple alignment substrate method and structure for...
Triple alignment substrate method and structure for...
Triple alignment substrate method and structure for...
Tristate electrochromic device