Combined day and night weapon sight
Day and night sighting system
Day-and-night optical observation device
Day/night weapon sight assembly for use on weapon without...
Day/night weapon sight assembly for use on weapon without...
Day/night-vision device
Dual field-of-view objects system for the infrared
Dual-band, dual-focal-length, relayed refractive imager
Image amplifying tube system for day and night combined use in o
Imaging sensor having multiple fields of view and utilizing all-
Infra-red extraction from illumination source
Lens system for focussing light of plural wavelength
Magnification lens coupling device for a night vision assembly
Modular infrared kepler telescope
Modular infrared Kepler telescope
Multi-function day/night observation, ranging, and sighting devi
Night-day boresight with adjustable wedge-prism assembly
Objective lens assembly for a portable missile launcher
Overhead console active night vision system for an interior...
Production of hydrogen from solar radiation at high efficiency