Dual prism sheet, backlight assembly having the same and...
Edge-lighted luminous device
Flat lighting device
Focal plates and method of manufacturing the same
Focusing optical system
Focusing screen including different height microlenses arranged
High brightness diffuser
High light diffusive and low light absorbent material and method
Illumination device and method using adaptable source and...
Illumination system optimized for throughput and...
Indicator viewing angle enhancer
Internal diffuser for a charge controlled mirror screen display
Irradiance attachment for an optical fiber to provide a uniform
Irregular-shape body, reflection sheet and reflection-type...
Laser light projector having beam diffuser and associated...
Light collimating and diffusing film and system for making...
Light collimating and diffusing film and system for making...
Light control devices and methods implemented with kinoform...
Light diffuser
Light diffuser plate