Optical network unit for an access network employing IEEE 1394
Optical network unit for communicating telephony and video infor
Optical networking module including protocol processing and...
Optical networking module including protocol processing and...
Optical networking module including protocol processing and...
Optical transponder having switching function
Optimal load balancing across multiple switching fabrics
Optimal path routing method in wireless network
Optimally interworking SIP and QSIG call diversion and transfer
Optimistic caching for address translations
Optimistic, eager rendezvous transmission mode and combined...
Optimistic, eager rendezvous transmission mode and combined...
Optimization of decoder instance memory consumed by the...
Optimization of number of transceivers used in a switch
Optimization process and system for multiplexed gateway...
Optimization process and system for non-multiplexed...
Optimized buffer loading for packet header processing
Optimized buffer loading for packet header processing
Optimized CPU-memory high bandwidth multibus structure...
Optimized dynamic multipoint virtual private network over...