Connectivity manager with location services
Control and distribution protocol for a portable router...
Control interface unit for realizing a simultaneous...
Control of switching in a telecommunication network
Control of video dialtone connections
Control type or service independent building block
Controlled routing to a plurality of signaling interfaces at...
Creating a low bandwidth channel within a high bandwidth...
Creation and management of routing table for PCI bus address...
Cross connection element and data transmission network
Cross-bar switch system with redundancy
Cross-connect multirate/multicast SDH/SONET rearrangement proced
Cross-connect with shared storage
Cross-connecting sub-time slot data rates
Cross-connection architecture for SDH signals comprising...
Cross-connection of high bandwidth signal traffic across...
Cross-midplane switch topology
Cross-point switch fabric and switch fabric slice
Crossbar subsystem and method
Crossbar switch and method with reduced voltage swing and no int