Sugar-regulatory sequences in alpha-amylase genes
Sugarbeet storage-root-tissue-specific regulon
Sugarcane plants with an increased storage carbohydrate content
Sugarcane UBI9 gene promoter and methods of use thereof
Sugarcane ubi9 gene promoter sequence and methods of use...
Sulfonamide resistance genes and their use
Sulfonamide resistance in plants
Sulfonylurea herbicide resistance in plants
Sulfonylurea herbicide resistance in plants
Sulfonylurea receptor trangenic rodents
Sulfonylurea-tolerant sunflower line M7
Sun devil lettuce variety
Sunflower albumin 5' regulatory region for the modification of p
Sunflower anti-pathogene proteins and genes and their uses
Sunflower products having lower levels of saturated fatty acids
Sunflower seed having low saturated oil content
Sunflower seeds and oil having a high stearic acid content
Sunflower seeds and oil having a high stearic acid content
Sunflower seeds with enhanced saturated fatty acid contents
Suppression of Tla1 gene expression for improved solar...