Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation method
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of monocots
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plants
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of turfgrass
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of turnip rape
AHAS inhibiting herbicide resistant wheat and method for...
Ahas inhibiting herbicide resistant wheat and method for...
AHAS promoter useful for expression of introduced genes in plant
Alfalfa hybrids having at least 75% hybridity
Alfalfa line called WL-C290 and method for producing same
Alfalfa line called WL-W316 and method for producing same
Alfalfa plants having improved fast recovery after harvest...
Alfalfa plants having improved standability and methods for...
Alfalfa products and method for producing alfalfa products for a
Alfalfa products and method for producing alfalfa products...
Alfalfa variety named magnum VI
Algal strain for agar production
Aliphatic acyl transferase genes
Allelic series of genomic modifications in cells
Allelic series of genomic modifications in cells