Process predicting the value of a phenotypic trait in a plant br
Process predicting the value of a phenotypic trait in a...
Production of genetically-controlled herbicide resistance in...
Production of lysosomal enzymes in plants by transient...
Production of thebaine and oripavine
QTL “mapping as-you-go”
QTL controlling sclerotinia stem rot resistance in soybean
QTL controlling Sclerotinia stem ROT resistance in soybean
QTL controlling sclerotinia stem ROT resistance in soybean
QTL mapping in plant breeding populations
Quantitative trait loci associated with soybean cyst...
Quantitative trait loci associated with soybean cyst...
Reversible nuclear genetic system for male sterility in transgen
Reversible nuclear genetic system for male sterility in...
Reversible nuclear genetic system for male sterility in...
Salt tolerant alfalfa
Soybean gene for resistance to Aphis glycines
Soybean genes for resistance to Aphis glycines
Soybean plants having superior agronomic performance and...
Soybean sudden death syndrome resistant soybeans, soybean...