Apparatus for breaking up large construction
Apparatus for cutting a moving metallic strip into uniform piece
Apparatus for guiding a tool along a curved path
Apparatus for guiding a tool in a linear path relative to a work
Apparatus for placing point supports on a metal cutting table
Carriage assembly for positioning and moving equipment...
Carriage for guiding a tool along a specified path on a workpiec
Cart mounting a welding torch or cutting torch
Cutting torch and guide assembly
Cutting-torch holder
Flame cutting machine for modification of railway car side sills
Heavy duty carriage assembly
Machine for splitting slabs by oxygen-cutting
Metal cutting machine with cut piece pickup and transport magnet
Metal cutting machine with movable torch feeding system
Metal machining device with control circuit isolation
Metal plate cutting machine
Motorized hand torch
Safety carriage for supporting and guiding an acetylene torch
Thermal cutting machine