Repairable chip bonding/interconnect process
Repairing an engine cooling system
Replaceable wrap for scroll housing in centrifugal separator
Replacement method for a railroad car brake tread unit using rem
Residue-free method of assembling and disassembling a...
Resilient connector
Resilient contact structures formed and then attached to a...
Resilient retainer for elongated items and method of holding
Resin fixture for insulating an electric motor stator
Resin package fabrication process
Resin roller and device and method for manufacturing the...
Resin structure in which manufacturing cost is cheap and...
Resin structure in which manufacturing cost is cheap and...
Resin structure in which manufacturing cost is cheap and...
Resin-molded electronic circuit device
Resistance element for wound-type variable resistors and method
Resistance heater for a pizza carton
Resistance temperature detector (RTD) formed with a surface-moun
Resistance welding of spray gun valve assembly
Resistor component with multiple layers of resistive material