Minimum activation martensitic alloys for surface disposal after
Mixed solder pastes for low-temperature soldering process
Mn alloy materials for magnetic materials, Mn alloy...
Mn--Al--C Alloys for anisotropic permanent magnets
Mn-Al Permanent magnets and their manufacture
MNOS memory device
Model-assisted process for the controlled cooling of hot strip a
Moderate temperature manganese phosphate conversion coating comp
Moderate temperature manganese phosphate conversion coating comp
Modification of diffusion coating grain structure by nitriding
Modification of metal surfaces
Modification of surface properties of copper-refractory metal al
Modification of surfaces in order to increase the surface...
Modification of the properties of metals
Modified advanced high strength single crystal superalloy...
Modified brass alloys with improved stress relaxation resistance
Modified etching bath for the deposition of a protective...
Modified laser-annealing process for improving the quality of el
Modified low temperature case hardening processes
Modified magnesium based hydrogen storage alloys