Scanning devices
Search and retrieval device
Segmented instrumentation tube including a locking sleeve for in
Self-compensating voted logic power interface with tester
Self-test subsystem for nuclear reactor protection system
Self-testing monitoring circuit
Self-timed interconnect speed-up circuit
Sensitivity enhancement for airborne radioactivity monitoring sy
Sensor for monitoring corrosion on a member in a nuclear reactor
Shroud electrochemical potential monitor
Shroud support ultrasonic examination apparatus
Shutdown reactivity meter system for nuclear fuel storage cells
Signature surveillance of nuclear fuel
Silicon object array with unidirectional segmented bus...
Single pass scanned laser color printer
Snubber monitoring system for nuclear power plants
Sodium leak detection system for liquid metal cooled nuclear rea
Solid tags for identifying failed reactor components
Solution quantitative analysis apparatus, quantitative analysis
Source range neutron flux count rate system incorporating method