2D FIFO device and method for use in block based coding...
3D wavelet-based filter and method
5,3 wavelet filter having three high pair and low pair...
Adaptive method and system for encoding digital images for...
Adaptive nonlinear image enlargement using wavelet transform...
Adaptive setting of wavelet sub-band thresholds for...
Adaptive vector quantization/quantizer
Adaptive wavelet coding of hyperspectral imagery
Apparatus and method for data partitioning to improving...
Apparatus and method for employing M-ary pyramids to enhance...
Apparatus and method for employing M-ary pyramids with...
Apparatus and method for encoding wavelet trees by backward...
Apparatus and method for encoding wavelet trees generated by a w
Apparatus and method for encoding wavelet trees generated by...
Apparatus and method for encoding zerotrees generated by a...
Apparatus and method for error concealment for hierarchical subb
Apparatus and method for forming a coding unit
Apparatus and method for forming a coding unit
Apparatus and method for identifying the location of a...
Apparatus and method for image/video compression using...