Three-dimensional, digitized capturing of the shape bodies...
Time-dependent three-dimensional musculo-skeletal modeling...
Time-lapse cell cycle analysis of unstained nuclei
Tissue engineered construct analytical imaging system and...
Tomographic image reading method, automatic alignment...
Tomographic microscope for high resolution imaging and...
Tomographic reconstruction of small objects using a priori...
Tomographic segmentation
Tone scale transformation for radiological images
Tooth identification digital X-ray images and assignment of...
Tooth identification in digital X-ray images and assignment...
Tooth locating within dental images
Training/optimization of computer aided detection schemes based
Transformation of digital images
Transforming visual preference terminology for radiographic...
Translucent intensity projection imaging
Transmitter/receiver antenna for MR with improved decoupling...
Treatment planning software and corresponding user interface
Tube detection in diagnostic images
Two-dimensional gels for separation, identification and...