Handheld optical diagnostic device having image system array
Heart rate demodulation of periodic movement in ultrasound...
High precision modeling of a body part using a 3D imaging...
High resolution radio frequency medical imaging and therapy...
High resolution radio frequency medical imaging and therapy...
High Speed Z-smoothing method and apparatus for CT imaging...
High-throughput, dual probe biological assays based on...
Higher-order moment-based image projection method and image...
Histogram calculation for auto-windowing of collimated X-ray...
Histogram segmentation of FLAIR images
Histological assessment
Histological assessment of nuclear pleomorphism
Histological reconstruction and automated image analysis
Histological reconstruction and automated image analysis
Histological reconstruction and automated image analysis
Historical comparison of breast tissue by image processing
Hot spot detection, segmentation and identification in pet...
Hybrid reconstruction for high pitch multi-slice helical...