Chemical detoxification of vesicants and related chemicals...
Chemical disposal of halocarbons
Chemical oxidation method and compounds
Chemical process for disposal of rocket propellant containing ni
Chemical tailoring of steam to remediate underground mixed waste
Chemical vessel environmental chamber
Clean process to destroy arsenic-containing organic compounds wi
Cleaning formulation and method of wipe cloth disposal
Co-solidification of low-level radioactive wet wastes...
Collapsible waste disposal container and method of disposal of w
Combined sorbent/catalyst system
Composition and method for immobilizing organic compounds in haz
Composition and process for organic and metal contaminant fixati
Composition and process for the encapsulation and stabilization
Composition and process for the encapsulation and stabilization
Composition and process for the encapsulation and stabilization
Composition for disposing of unused medicines
Composition suitable for decontaminating a porous surface...
Compositions and methods for removing heavy metals from...
Compositions and methods for treatment of solid waste