Hood for metal-oxide vapor coating glass containers
Hooded torch for synthesizing glass particulates
Horizontal flame burner for furnace floor radiant heater
Horizontal glassmaking furnace
Horizontal press bending apparatus and method
Horizontal press bending of heat softened glass sheets
Horizontal press bending pickup and delivery system
Horizontal press bending using a splitting vacuum/pressure picku
Hot bottle inspection apparatus
Hot bottle inspection apparatus and method
Hot cullet handling apparatus
Hot formed articles and method and apparatus for hot-forming
Hot glass sheet handling apparatus including overlapping...
Hot gob detector for controlling a glassware forming machine
Hot gob detector for controlling a glassware forming machine
Hot Isostatic pressing of a planar optical waveguide
Hot isostatic pressing of fluoride glass materials
Hot-pressed fluoride glasses
Hybrid manufacturing process for optical fibers
Hybrid spinner for making a mixture of single-glass and...