Cap assembly and optical fiber cooling process
Cap assembly and optical fiber cooling process
Capillary splice method
Carbon coated metallic mold for making a glass plate
Carbon coating for a starting member used in producing optical w
Carbon coating for a starting member used in producing optical w
Carbon nitride coating for optical media discs
Carbon particle fiber assembly technique
Carriage for transporting sheets of glass and for placing them i
Carriage to carry mold for bending glass sheets
Cast component of nickel alloys containing large amounts of chro
Cast iron molds for glass making and method of making
Casting core/clad glass preforms method and apparatus
Catalyzed preparation of amorphous chalcogenides
Catheter system for controlled removal by radiant energy of biol
Cationic surface coating of flat glass
Caustic ray use of the drawdown zone of an optical fiber preform
Center biased stirring for improved glass homogenization
Centering and leveling of mobile press bending apparatus
Centerline protection using heavy inert gases