Mixed mode fuel injector with individually moveable needle...
Multi orifice structure and method of making same
Multi-sectored flat board type showerhead used in CVD apparatus
Multiorifice structure and method of making same
Multiple head spray nozzle assembly with common supply manifold
Multiport high density burner
Nozzle device for purging a vacuum pump
Nozzle head for a jet cleaning device
Nozzle particularly for lasers
Pattern of apertures in a showerhead for chemical vapor depositi
Pesticide spray nozzle
Shower head
Shower head assembly
Shower head with improved water discharge
Showerhead apparatus
Spray nozzle for coke oven gas-collecting system
Spray nozzle with two or more equally sized orifices
Spray system for a dishwashing machine
Spray-tube coupling for washing machines
Sprinkler head