System for controlling behavior of vehicle during braking and du
System for controlling brake pressure based on fuzzy logic using
System for controlling brake pulsing at vehicle natural...
System for controlling brake systems
System for controlling brake valves
System for controlling braking of an automotive vehicle
System for controlling driving dynamics
System for controlling motor vehicle brakes
System for controlling the braking action in a motor vehicle
System for controlling the state and operation of a motor...
System for controlling the torque transmitted to motor vehicle d
System for controlling the traction slip of a vehicle
System for dynamically determining axle loadings of a moving...
System for estimating brake-fluid pressure
System for estimating brake-fluid pressure
System for estimating vehicle body speed and road surface fricti
System for exerting an amplified braking force
System for preventing slip of driven wheels
System for regulating pressure with hybrid structure for a motor
System for split-to-high mu detection and control for anti-lock