Abrasion-resistant bumper for a nail-driving tool
Activation arm configuration for a power tool
Actuator for electrical nail gun
Adapter for nail gun for installing siding
Adjustable angle magazine
Adjustable energy control valve for a fastener driving device
Adjustable exhaust assembly for pneumatic fasteners
Adjustable exhaust assembly for pneumatic fasteners
Adjustable exhaust assembly for pneumatic fasteners
Adjustable piston-driver connection and method of adjusting
Adjustable pneumatic power driving apparatus
Adjustable twin stapler device
Air path arrangement for pneumatic nail gun
Air-powered driving tool, having a pilot piston and cylinder
Air-tight structure between a top cap and a body of a...
Anti-jamming nose plate for driving apparatus for fasteners
Anti-oxidant battery contacts for fastener-driving tool
Anti-reversing device in a staple magazine
Anti-slip shingle grip for fastening tool
Anti-slip shingle grip for fastening tool