Abrasion-resistant bumper for a nail-driving tool
Abutment adjusting device for nail gun
Activation arm configuration for a power tool
Actuator for electrical nail gun
Adapter for nail gun for installing siding
Adhering gun for fasteners
Adjustable angle magazine
Adjustable device for adjusting space for nails in magazine...
Adjustable energy control valve for a fastener driving device
Adjustable exhaust assembly for pneumatic fasteners
Adjustable exhaust assembly for pneumatic fasteners
Adjustable exhaust assembly for pneumatic fasteners
Adjustable magazine for fastener driving tool
Adjustable magazines for nail tools and methods therefor
Adjustable nailer magazine
Adjustable piston-driver connection and method of adjusting
Adjustable pneumatic power driving apparatus
Adjustable shear block assembly
Adjustable twin stapler device
Adjustable-length end piece for a fastener drive tool