Dipole antenna
Directional coupler for a accurate power detection
Distributed active transformer power control techiques
Efficient coupler detector circuit with reduced harmonic...
Electroexplosives, rf power safety margin measurement method
Electromagnetic radiation measuring apparatus for high frequency
Exposure meter for use with indiction heat sealing of containers
Extended range composite head power sensor with three circuit br
Field strength measuring instrument for the simultaneous detecti
Film-based microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and sensors
Forward and reflected power measurement and display
Hand held electromagnetic field detector
High frequency power sensing device
High power, high sensitivity microwave calorimeter
High-temperature superconducting thin film nonbolometric microwa
Immittance monitoring apparatus
Inductively coupled direct contact test probe
Instrument for measuring the frequency and power of a microwave
Linearizing circuit for dectection of a RF-power sensor
Load measurement for a thermal microwave power sensor