Tactile feel device
Temperature control system for a permanent magnetic system
Terminations of cylindrical permanent magnets
Thermally passive magnet mounting system for an MRI signa profil
Thin plate magnet having microcrystalline structure
Tool holders with high energy magnetizers/demagnetizers
Toroidal permanent magnet solenoid
Track litz rungs and shorting bar design for urban maglev...
Transition disk in a solenoidal magnet with Bitter type annular
Transverse gradient coil system
Transverse magnetic field voltage isolator
Transverse magnetic field voltage isolator
Transverse magnetic load containment structure for use in MHD ma
Tube magnet assembly with end-rolled capture technique
Tubular structure having transverse magnetic field with gradient
Tubular structure having transverse magnetic field with gradient
Tunable segmented ring magnet and method of manufacture