One piece molded magnet enclosure
Open access superconducting MRI magnet having an apparatus for r
Open and shielded superconductive magnet
Open architecture superconducting magnet helium vessel structure
Open magnet device and magnetic resonance imaging apparatus...
Open magnet having shielding
Open magnet having shielding
Open magnet with floor mount
Open magnet with recessed field shaping coils
Open magnet with shielding
Open MRI magnet with superconductive shielding
Open MRI magnetic field generator
Open permanent magnet structure for generating highly uniform fi
Open superconductive magnet having a cryocooler coldhead
Open unipolar magnetic structure
Open unipolar magnetic structure
Open-ended cylindrical type magnetic shield apparatus
Open-type magnet device for MRI
Opposed magnet-type magnetic circuit assembly with permanent mag
Opposed magnet-type magnetic circuit assembly with permanent mag