Removable watt-hour meter socket compartment panel cover with sa
Renovated structure of multi-slotted iron rod
Repairable fluorescent lamp ballast
Repeater housing and circuit mounting structure
Replaceable air seal for force cooled removable electronic units
Replaceable electronics box
Replaceable MMIC chip carrier captured by differential thermal e
Replacement protector block for telephone circuits
Reservoir volume sensors
Resin mounting structure for an integrated circuit
Resin packaged semiconductor device having a protective layer ma
Resin sealing type semiconductor device in which a very small se
Resistive paste and monolithic ceramic capacitor
Resistor module
Retainer for electronic modules
Retaining bar for circuit card file
Retention clip for a thermal protection sensor
Retention system for removable heat sink
Reworkable encapsulated electronic assembly
RF module with integral coaxial connector means