Coil assembly for an electromechanical actuator
Collision detecting system
Comb structure using magnetic force and actuator and inertia...
Combination reciprocating motor and inverter
Compact bi-directional torque motor
Compact bidirectional torque motor with increased torque
Compact dual rotor torque motor for accelerometers
Compact mechanically-powered electric generator for a camera or
Conducting polymer driven rotary motor
Contraction type actuator
Control motor for a servo valve
Control motor for a servo-valve
Controlled high speed reciprocating angular motion actuator
Cooling apparatus for electronic device
Cryogenic temperature operated magnetic reciprocating motor syst
Deceleration detecting device
Detachable head appliance driven by an electric motor
Device for reducing deterioration of image quality in...
Device with magnetoplastic and/or magnetoelastic thin-film...
Differential linear velocity transducer