Maintaining application operations within a suboptimal grid...
Maintaining level heat emission in multiprocessor by...
Management of virtual machines to utilize shared resources
Managing a distributed computing system
Managing asynchronous requests for user interface resources...
Managing automated resource provisioning with a workload...
Managing computing resources in graph-based computations
Managing parallel execution of work granules according to...
Managing parallel execution of work granules according to...
Managing state information for a multi-threaded processor
Masterless locks in a multi-node environment
Masterless locks in a multi-node environment
Mechanism for enabling a program to be executed while the...
Mechanism for enabling the distribution of operating system...
Mechanism for estimating the computing resources needed to...
Mechanism for managing execution environments for aggregated...
Mechanism for managing execution of interdependent...
Mechanisms for assuring quality of service for programs...
Mechanisms for assuring quality of service for programs...
Memory allocator for a multiprocessor computer system