System and methods of retrieving firmware between network...
System backup and recovery solution based on BIOS
System boot using NAND flash memory and method thereof
System comprising electronic device and external device...
System configuration card
System embedding plural controller sharing nonvolatile memory
System executing a fast boot wake-up
System for and method of network booting of an operating...
System for automatic recovery from software problems that...
System for computer recovery using removable high capacity...
System for executing a post having primary and secondary...
System for executing computer program using a configurable...
System for implementing a diagnostic or correction boot...
System for presetting a first or second remote boot protocol...
System for preventing a CPU from an input of a power source...
System for rebooting relay apparatus based on detection of...
System for rebooting relay apparatus based on detection of...
System for reconfiguring a boot device by swapping the...
System for remote booting of muntliple operating systems...
System for selecting from multiple BIOS versions stored in a...