Scalable computing system for presenting customized...
Scalable memory management of token state for distributed...
Scalable storage system with unique client assignment to...
Scheme for interlocking and transferring information between dev
Secure cached subscription service
Secure computer system and method of providing secure access...
Secure processing unit systems and methods
Secure processing unit systems and methods
Secure processing unit systems and methods
Serial protocol for efficient messaging between host and...
Server to cache protocol for improved web performance
Server-based navigation system having dynamic transmittal of...
Shadow arrays for distributed memory multiprocessor...
Shared internet storage resource, user interface system, and...
Shared memory coupling of network infrastructure devices
Shared memory system for symmetric multiprocessor systems
Shared object stores for a networked computer system
Shared web page caching at browsers for an intranet
Shared-everything file storage for clustered system
Sieved caching for increasing data rate capacity of a...