Device for the automatic centering of cathodes in eyelets for ca
Device for the insertion of cathodes in cathode tube guns, espec
Device for warm press forming a plate-like member into a shadow
Device package and device encapsulation method
Device package with hermetically sealed cap and device...
Die and method for applying radial forces to an eccentric workpi
Differential pressure process for fabricating a flat-panel...
Disassembling method of electronic appliance and...
Discharge chamber and method of manufacturing the same
Discharge lamp and method of producing the same
Discharge lamp arc tube and method of producing the same
Discharge lamp having an electrode with suppression of end...
Discharge lamp lead-through construction with a conductor flatte
Discharge lamp of the short arc type and process for production
Discharge lamp with electrode frame
Discharge lamp with stabilized discharge vessel plate
Discharge lamp, discharge lamp sealing method, discharge...
Discharge lamps using hollow cathodes with integrated...
Discharge surface treating electrode and production method...
Discrete magnets in dielectric forming metal/ceramic...