Metal-halide arc tube and lamp having improved uniformity of azi
Metal-halide discharge lamp having a light output with incandesc
Metal-halide lamp having heat redistribution means
Metal-halide lamp having heat redistribution means
Metal-halogen discharge lamp with conically shaped insulating el
Metallic halide electric discharge lamps
Method and an apparatus for cooling an arc lamp
Method and apparatus for cooling electrodeless lamps
Method and apparatus for cooling electrodeless lamps
Method and apparatus for cooling window foils of electron beam a
Method and apparatus for electrostatic deflection of high curren
Method and apparatus for injecting charged particles across a ma
Method and apparatus for preventing reverse flow in air or gas c
Method and apparatus for storing an energy-rich electron beam in
Method and apparatus for utilizing heat dissipated from an...
Method and means for suppressing ozone generated by arc lamps
Method and means for suppressing ozone generated by arc lamps
Method for cooling a charged particle beam
Method for the production of a visible, UV or IR radiation...
Method of forming conductors in slots in a plate