Electric lamp seal construction
Electric lamp with tin or lead alloy plug for lead-in
Electrical current inlet particularly for discharge tubes of hig
Electrical terminal connection for the electrodes of a gas disch
Electrode ribbon seal assembly
Electronic tubes
Etched electrode for metal halide discharge lamps
Fluorescent lamp, method for manufacturing the same, and...
Glass-to-glass sealing method with conductive layer
Graphite disc assembly for a rotating x-ray anode tube
Heat radiating coating and method of manufacture thereof
Heat sink target
High thermal emittance coating for X-ray targets
High voltage lead-through
High-pressure discharge lamp
High-pressure gas discharge lamp
High-pressure gas discharge lamp having a seal with a cylindrica
Incandescent lamp leads of dispersion strengthened copper wires
Incandescent lamp with improved press seal
Increasing the oxidation resistance of molybdenum and its use fo