Waveform generator for controlling an electron beam in a...
Waveform observing method and apparatus
Waveguide coupler using three or more wave modes
Waveguide mode coupler for use with gyrotron traveling-wave ampl
Wide band device for coupling between the delay line of a travel
Wide band high voltage stabilizing circuit
Wide band horizontal size regulation circuit of a display
Wide-band coupled-cavity type traveling-wave tube
Wide-band distributed rf coupler
Wide-band horizontal linearity correction circuit
Wide-band low-reflection attenuated delay line
Wideband multi-cavity velocity modulation tube
Wideband self-calibrated fiber-optic data link with fiber-optic
X-ray source employing a compact electron beam accelerator
X-z geometry periodic permanent magnet focusing system
XY display transition intensifier
Z-axis orthogonality compensation system for an oscilloscope
Zero delay trigger view
Zoom focus and deflection assembly for electron discharge device