"Slewed pulse" scope sweep calibrator
50 Hz parabolic signal filter
Accelerating self-focusing cavity for charged particles
Accelerating structure for a linear charged particle accelerator
Accelerating structure for a linear charged particle accelerator
Accelerator side cavity coupling adjustment
Active circulator gyrotron traveling-wave amplifier
Active dielectric waveguide amplifier or oscillator using a high
Active photomultiplier tube base
Active RF cavity including a plurality of solid state transistor
Active shadow mask color CRT
Adaptive convergence adjustment for multi-scan monitor
Adaptive heater voltage algorithm and control system for...
Adaptive scan control having horizontal scan locked clock system
Adjustable beam permanent-magnet-focused linear-beam microwave t
Adjustable pincushion correction circuit
Adjustable retainer for degaussing coil
Advanced center post electron gun
Aesthetically pleasing CRT-display of single-source signals
Alignment or correction of energy beam type displays