Oblique streak tube
Off-center radar display circuit
Oil-cooled multi-staged depressed collector having channels...
On-chip vacuum microtube device and method for making such...
Operation of storage tubes having secondary electron emissive ta
Optical pulse demodulator
Optimally designed traveling wave tube for operation backed off
Orthogonally interdigitated shielded serpentine travelling wave
Oscillation voltage stabilizer
Oscillographic device for displaying multiple continuous wavefor
Oscilloscope for the image display of sectional planes of a body
Oscilloscope having auxiliary display of a labelled cursor
Oscilloscope having dual time base system for accurate different
Oscilloscope intensity regulation apparatus
Oscilloscope memory control
Oscilloscope trace attribute control system
Oscilloscope triggering control circuit
Output circuit for klystron and klystron with an output circuit
Over-current protection circuit for use in television horizontal
Overvoltage protected de-boost regulator