Variable axis stigmator
Variable energy highly efficient linear accelerator
Variable energy linear accelerator
Variable energy radio-frequency type charged particle accelerato
Variable energy standing wave linear accelerator structure
Variable field coupled cavity resonator circuit
Variable format controls CRT raster
Variable frequency RFQ linear accelerator
Variable horizontal deflection circuit capable of providing east
Variable picture size circuit for a television receiver
Variable rate horizontal deflection system for a video monitor
Variable-frequency sweep generator circuit
Variable-frequency type radio-frequency quadrupole accelerator i
Velocity modulation tube including a high resonance-frequency fl
Velocity modulation tubes employing harmonic bunching
Velocity tapering of comb-quad traveling-wave tubes
Versatile video CRT display
Vertical amplifier apparatus with a beam-finding function for an
Vertical and horizontal scanning correction system for video dis
Vertical blanking circuit and bias clamp boost supply