Travelling wave tube with periodic-permanent magnet focusing sys
Travelling wave tubes
Travelling wave tubes
Travelling wave tubes
Travelling wave tubes
Travelling wave tubes
Travelling wave tubes
Travelling-wave tube amplifier
Travelling-wave tube and method for the manufacture thereof
Travelling-wave tube with an improved electron gun
Travelling-wave tube with collector housing having all electrica
Travelling-wave tube with thermally conductive mechanical suppor
Travelling-wave tuve provided with a brazed "T" shaped helix del
Trirotron: triode rotating beam radio frequency amplifier
Tubular capacitor for use in an electron beam tube
Tunability enhanced electromagnetic wiggler
Tunable broadband source in millimeter wavelength range of spect
Tuning mechanism for high power klystron having photointerrupter
Twin-convex electron gun
Twisting distortion correcting circuitry