Starfish bunched electron beam converter
Start-up circuit for a deflection system
Start-up circuit for a power supply
Step waveform generator and CRT vertical timebase incorporating
Storage cathode ray tube having auxiliary coils to correct non-s
Storage tube for the storage of digital information
Storage tube moving target detector
Stray emission prevention circuit for cathode ray tube
Stray emission reduction circuit
Stray magnetic field suppresser for CRT image displays
Strong permanent magnet-assisted electromagnetic undulator
Structure of electron gun for color cathode ray tube
Sub-nanosecond rise time multi-megavolt pulse generator
Submillimeter wave generation using surface acoustic waves in pi
Superconducting accelerator cavity with a heat affected zone hav
Superconducting electron beam generator
Supply circuit for a television receiver
Supporting system for the delay line of a travelling wave tube
Surface conduction electron-emitting device
Sweep circuit for cathode-ray tube display