Regulated deflection circuit
Regulated deflection circuit
Regulated deflection circuit with regulator switch controlled by
Regulated deflection circuit with start-up and electronic circui
Regulated deflection system
Regulated high DC voltage supply
Regulated power supply device for a line sweep circuit in a tele
Regulated video display terminal power supply
Regulating television horizontal deflection arrangement
Regulation of picture size with varying scan frequency
Regulation of the EHT voltage of a CRT
Regulation of the scan width of a raster scanned CRT deflection
Regulator with short circuit protection
Remote gain control circuit for photomultiplier tubes
Remote raster/stroke display calibration
Remote responsive television receiver ferroresonant power supply
Remote responsive television receiver ferroresonant power supply
Resistive lens electron gun with compound linear voltage profile
Resistive wall klystron amplifier
Resistive wall klystron amplifier having grounded drift tube